ACMIBIO-DA: Microbial-oils production via anaerobic digestion: bioconversion of volatile fatty acids by oleaginous yeasts
Research project corresponding to the call 2017 and reference: ENE2017-86864-C2-2-R, within the State Program of Research, Development and Innovation Oriented Challenges of the Society under the National Plan for Scientific Research and Technological Innovation 2013-2016 (Research Challenges 2017).
Anaerobic digestion is most probably one of the least complex technologies for energy production using biomass as feedstock. Even though biogas production has been widely studied, the production of carboxylates (VFAs) as platform molecules for microbial-oil production is envisaged as a new challenge.
ACMIBIO will demonstrate the potential for producing microbial oils for biodiesel production by proposing integrated and optimized bioprocesses devoted to the valorization of horticultural residues