Distinguished Seminar: “Advanced Materials and Methods for Chemical Selectivity”


Chemical selectivity is key in the work of De Smet and his group and the focus is largely on ions and small molecules by developing new materials (membranes, electrodes, porous materials) and approaches, like sensor and capacitive deionization technologies into/onto which the novel materials are integrated. De Smet’s research group on Advanced Materials for Chemical Selectivity (currently 7 PhD students) is part of the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry at Wageningen University.

His work cover topics such as electrochemical ion separations for environmental and energy storage applications, recovery of critical materials for the electromobility industry and synthesis and characterization of energy storage materials such as Prussian Blue Analogs (PBAs), charged or conductive polymers, and Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs). A selection of these research topics, including recent highlights, will be addressed during this seminar.

Short Bio

Louis de Smet is currently Associate Professor at Wageningen University, The Netherlands. Furthermore, he is affiliated to Wetsus, a research institute on sustainable water technology, where he is Senior Advisor. De Smet’s research interest is mainly focused on the molecular understanding and targeted control of chemical modifications to arrive at functional materials. The work of his research group is fundamental in nature and closely related to the needs of environmental applications including separation, recovery and sensing. In his work, materials chemistry and charge-based interactions are key. The importance and innovative character of his research is best exemplified by competitive personal research grants (ERC Consolidator Grant, Dutch Research Council Start-up and Vici grants). Furthermore, via his links with the Dutch research institutes Wetsus and OnePlanet, he also works on the development of the applicable parts of his research.

More information, including a list of scientific output is provided in the extended CV that is attached to this application. See also: www.louisdesmet.nl


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Nov 07 2022


12:00 - 13:00