Distinguished Seminar: “Carbon dioxide utilization as building block for chemicals and source of carbon for fuels: stepping towards the Carbon Cyclic Economy”

Next Thursday 27th April at 12 noon we will hold a new Distinguished Seminar in the auditorium.

The speaker will be Prof. Michele Aresta, with the talk entitled “Carbon dioxide utilization as building block for chemicals and source of carbon for fuels: stepping towards the Carbon Cyclic Economy “.

Short Bio of Prof Michele Aresta

Doctor of Industrial Chemistry, University of Milan, Milan-IT; PhD of Engineering Honoris Causa University of Bath, Bath-UK, 2016; Honorary Professor at the Chemical Engineering Faculty, University of Tianjin, China; 2002; CEO of “Innovative Catalysis for Carbon Recycling-IC2R Ltd; Chair of the Scientific Board of the Interuniversity Consortium on Chemical Reactivity and Catalysis, Italy.

Former Researcher at UCL-London, Full Professor of Chemistry University of Bari, IT until 2012; IMM Professor-NUS-Singapore 2012-2016; David Parkin Professor at the University of Bath, UK 2016-2017; GIAN Professor at the ANNA University, Chennai-India, 2018; Professor of Carbon Cyclic Economy, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2019. Author of over 350 papers in peer reviewed international journals and of 12 books on CO2 and Biomass valorization; owner of several patents. Founder and Honorary Chair of ICCDU-International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization.

Awards: Italian Chemical Society for the “Pioneering work on Carbon Dioxide Activation (and Utilization)” 1990; Renoir Award for the dissemination of Science, 1990; Société Française de Chimie, 1995 for Inorganic Chemistry; Tianjin University, Tianjin China, for Green Chemistry 2002; Recognitions from the American Chemical Society for the dissemination of “CO2 Utilization”; Gold medal of the Inorganic Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society, 2016; International award for the contribution to the development of the Chemistry of CO2 2017.

The event is finished.


Apr 27 2023


12:00 - 14:00


Auditorio IMDEA Energía