Training: Open Science and Research Data Management

Summary: The aim of the session is to understand what open science is and for it, we will work through some of the main issues related to open access, research data management, citizen science.

The agenda will include the following aspects:

  • What is Open Science?
  • Legal requirements of institutions and funding agencies.
  • FAIR principles and research data management.
  • Data management plans.
  • The data lifecycle: Some aspects of how to organise, describe and share research data.

Short BIO Speaker:

Alicia Fátima Gómez is Library Director at the IE University in Madrid since October 2023. Before this, she worked as Head of Scientometrics and Data Visualization at the TU Wien, in Austria, leading the DOI Service Austria Consortium, and, together with the Universität Wien, the ORCID Austria Consortium. Prior to this, she worked for OpenAIRE giving support on Open Science and research data management, and was for many years Head of the Library at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC). Furthermore, she teaches at the UOC information literacy.

Alicia has extensive professional in libraries and research support gained over the years in Spain and the UK with a focus in open science, research data, metrics, and publishing and dissemination strategies. She holds a PhD in Linguistics, and a Master in Digital Libraries and Information Systems.

eNargiZinc has received funding from the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Networks (MSCA-DN) under the Grant Agreement 101120311.


The event is finished.


Jun 18 2024


14:00 - 17:00


Auditorio IMDEA Energía