Molecular Sieves are solids with defined porosity and with the capacity of differentiating molecules through their dimensions and geometries. They can be used as catalysts for several kinds of reactions, and also for separation and adsorption processes. In this talk we present the research lines of LABPEMOL (Laboratory of Molecular Sieves at UFRN – Brazil) and some results describing different materials that can be obtained with different porosities for application in catalysis. Also, we describe the versatile of several materials as Zeolites, mesoporous materials, layer materials, and hierarchical materials.
Speaker: Prof. Sibele Pergher

Short Bio
Prof. Sibele Pergher is internationally recognized for her prestigious work in the field of synthesis and characterization of zeolites and molecular sieves, which is supported by her fruitful research outputs in the form of numerous publications, patents, participation or coordination of projects, among other merits. Actually, Prof. Sibele Pergher is the coordinator and founder of Laboratory of Molecular Sieves (LABPEMOL) at Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN, Brazil), where she has also been pro-Rector of Research since 2017.