IMDEA Energy brings together companies and technology platforms to discuss the future of energy storage
On June 7th, the session on Energy Storage, needs, developments and funding possibilities with the Eureka program was held at IMDEA Energy Institute with great success. The capacity was completed ten days before its celebration, so it was necessary to enable the online assistance for those who were left without a face-to-face place. The speakers, experts from the Centre for the Development of Technology and Innovation of Spain, CDTI, the Spanish Technological Platform for Innovation and Energy Storage, Batteryplat, and the companies Acciona Energía, Arraela, Iberdrola, Power Electronics and TSK presented the experiences and projects of their respective entities and discussed answering questions from attendees about storage needs and how meeting them is being addressed in the grids to facilitate the deployment of generation from renewable sources, provide flexibility and security to the electrical system and achieve lower energy prices, as well as, the factors that allow projects to be carried out profitably, the vision and positioning of the leading companies in the sector, the network codes, etc.
The session ended with a visit to the unique research facilities of IMDEA Energy: the electrical grid plant where a demo of the work carried out in the integration of various generation sources and storage with different technologies was shown, ensuring the stability and control of the networks or their generation (grid forming and grid following), the electrochemical devices testing and development plant where the research being carried out was shown, from the conception and synthesis of new materials for anodes, cathodes, membranes or electrolytes to the design of cells for integration into batteries and supercapacitors with different chemistries such as lithium-ion or redox flow batteries with vanadium and other electrolytes, as well as, the solar field where work is carried out on thermosolar power generation, solar heat for industrial processes, the production of hydrogen and solar fuels and the integration of different sources with hydrogen technologies and storage.
The video of the day can be seen here.