Javier Dufour and Félix Marín, from Institute IMDEA Energía, moderated two panel discussions at the first Spanish edition of the EnergYear Mobility 2024 sustainable mobility congress held at the Jarama Circuit in Madrid on 10 and 11 July, which featured prominent speakers from the business world:

Fuelling mobility: biofuels, electricity, hydrogen and alternatives for sustainable transport. Speakers:

  • Ignacio Zaballos, Responsible for Electric Mobility – Corporate Network, Galp
  • Franz Bechtold, Business Developer, Lhyfe
  • Tomás Liniers, Mobility Manager, ReNew Spain
  • David O’Hana, Director West-Med Fuel Supply, BP
  • Moderator: Javier Dufour, Research Professor and Head of the Systems Analysis Unit, IMDEA Energía.

The panel discussed the advances in the supply of clean energies for different types of transport vehicles, either through their electrification or through the total or partial use of sustainable fuels: green hydrogen, biofuels, fuels obtained from waste treatment and synthetic fuels with a low carbon footprint; some of which are the subject of development work by centres such as IMDEA Energía and others that are already manufactured by entities such as those represented by the participants in the debate.

Sustainable mobility: innovation and technological alternatives applied to mobility: towards a cleaner and more efficient future. Speakers:

  • Armando Ansón, Zero Emission Innovation Program Manager, CAF
  • Javier Albarrán, General Manager, Medusa Alternativas Eléctricas
  • Teresa Parejo, Sustainability Manager, Iberia
  • Miguel Ángel Alonso Juliá, Director of Engineering, Alsa
  • Moderator: Félix Marín, Head of Technology Development and Transfer, IMDEA Energía

The panel began with a presentation of the current situation of the different transport sectors: air, rail and road, and developed the experiences of the participants and the practical cases that are already in operation to contribute to decarbonisation and to make better use of existing infrastructures in order to avoid duplication and save costs. It was also highlighted the need to maintain collaboration with research centres to continue improving existing technological solutions and to seek new ones that contribute to the sustainability of transport.

The event was attended by more than 300 people, showing that sustainable technologies are a hot topic of interest for specialists and the general public and pointing the way for further research and development.