HUB-MADRID+CIRCULAR: Circular Economy Innovation HUB of the Community of Madrid
HUB MADRID+CIRCULAR is a new technological project in the Community of Madrid led by Repsol and in which IMDEA Energy participates with the aim of encouraging public-private collaboration in the region. This innovation HUB focus its efforts on developing new technologies that enable the use of all types of waste as new raw materials to produce sustainable materials and fuels with the integration of renewable energy sources. Due to its relevance, it has been selected by the Community of Madrid as part of the Regional Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation.
Partners: Repsol (Coordinator); IMDEA Energy Institute; Evoenzyme; Ariema Energía y Medioambiente; Seenso Renova
Funding Institution/Program: Comunidad de Madrid – European Regional Development Fund
Period: November 2021-December 2023
IMDEA Energy Institute external funding: 970.589,55 €
IP IMDEA Energy: Dr. David Serrano
Actuación cofinanciada por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional para contribuir a la mejora de la cooperación público privada en materia de I+D+i mediante el apoyo a proyectos de innovación tecnológica de efecto tractor elaborados por núcleos de innovación abierta en la Comunidad de Madrid, en el marco de la Estrategia Regional de Investigación e Innovación para una Especialización Inteligente (RIS3), dentro del programa operativo FEDER de la Comunidad de Madrid para el periodo 2014-2020.