MAD VUELA SOSTENIBLE: HUB de Innovación de Combustibles de Aviación Sostenibles (SAF) de la Comunidad de Madrid
The main objective of the MADRID VUELA SOSTENIBLE project is to create and develop an innovation Hub for the production of sustainable aviation fuels (Sustainable Aviation Fuels, SAF) to promote the culture of cooperation between the different agents of the science-technology-business system of the Community of Madrid, encouraging the participation of pymes in large-scale industrial research projects. This project aims to generate and share knowledge about new technologies that facilitate the process of waste recovery for subsequent use as raw material in industrial processes, especially in the production of aviation fuels with a low carbon footprint. This enables and accelerates progress towards a more environmentally friendly transportation system. In this way, the demand for aviation fuels can be met while helping to curb the generation of CO2 emissions and global warming.
Partners: Repsol (Coordinator); IMDEA Energy Institute; Evoenzyme; Ariema Energía y Medioambiente
Funding Institution/Program: Comunidad de Madrid – European Regional Development Fund
Period: January 2024-January 2027
IMDEA Energy Institute external funding: 1.120.885,85 €
IP IMDEA Energy: Dr. David Serrano
Proyecto financiado por la Comunidad de Madrid y cofinanciado por la Unión Europea en la convocatoria de “Ayudas para contribuir a la mejora de la cooperación público-privada en materia de I+D+I mediante proyectos de efecto tractor en consorcio”. Ref. 59/180948.9/23.