MICROGRID-ON-CHIP: Battery inverter with integrated controls of power converter and microgrid
Research project with reference: RTC-2017-6262-3, coordinated by the company Norvento Energía Distribuída, corresponding to the call 2017, within the State Program of Research, Development and Innovation Oriented Challenges of the Society (Collaboration Challenges 2017).
The main objective of the project is the development of an integrated solution for the control of hybrid microgrids. This solution is based on a state-of-the-art semiconductor battery converter, as well as an integrated micro-range control system. This solution is part of Norvento’s technological development plans, and its development requires the experience of the GEISER-UAH and IMDEA Energy groups. In addition, thanks to this project, the capacities of the research groups involved will improve, which will allow them to address other projects in the future.