REDESFUERTES: Coordinated Management and Control of Grid-Forming Power Converters for Low Inertia Power Grids
Research project corresponding to the call 2022 and reference PID2022-142416OB-I00, for grants for «Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento».
Within the framework of the Spanish State Plan for Scientific Research, Technology and Innovation 2021-2030, the main challenge addressed in REDESFUERTES refers to Climate, Energy and Mobility. An important challenge identified in both the Plan and EU directives refers to security and reliability of energy system, in general, and electricity networks, in particular. In the past, these terms were closely related to resolving the energy balancing issue by ensuring there is sufficient capacity and by correctly placing protection devices in the network. With the expected reduction of conventional generation and the increased presence of renewable sources (network decarbonisation process), the main grid challenges shifted towards guaranteeing the stability of power systems by ensuring there is sufficient system inertia at any time. In the past the system relied on a small number of rotating machines to meet this target, however, it is expected that in future this task will be a shared between a number of different conventional and renewable power sources as well as energy storage devices.
Power electronic converters and their control systems are in the focus of this challenge, as they need to ensure the correct operation of the power system under reduced inertia conditions while the versatility of the battery storage can help meet the operational inertial targets. Improvements both in control systems of power converters, namely grid-forming operation, and the coordinated approach for managing grid inertia and achieve the necessary levels of stability margins are required. Previously the grid stability issues were assessed by using different tools as there was a clear separation in time and magnitude between different effects occurring in the grid. As the principal paradigm of the power network operation has changed, a different set of stability assessment tools are now required.
The objective of REDESFUERTES is to provide a holistic approach to stability of low inertia electricity networks by proposing novel coordinated management and control algorithms for power converter interfaces and more adequate stability assessment tools.
Partners: IMDEA Energy Institute
Funding Institution/Program: Ministry of Science and Innovation-FEDER-UE / Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2022
Period: September 2023-August 2026
IMDEA Energy Institute external funding: 113.750 €
IPs IMDEA Energy: Dr. Milan Prodanovic / Dr. Javier Roldán