RESOPLA: Municipal green residues as novel substrates for sustainable bioplastic production via anaerobic fermentation

Research project corresponding to the call 2021 and reference: TED2021-132024B-C21, within the State Program to Promote Scientific-Technical Research and its Transfer (Strategic Projects Oriented to Ecological Transition and Digital Transition).

With the increasing public awareness related to plastic accumulation, it is time to boost green transition by integrating plastics in the biobased circular economy and developing new biotechnological routes for bioplastics production. Bio-based plastics degrade much faster than traditional plastics and aid to reduce carbon emissions because their raw materials absorb CO2 from atmosphere. Thus, bioplastics are key players to rebuild a low-carbon society which is one of the main targets of the green transition.

Polylactic acid (PLA) is one of the most promising biodegradable polymers. PLA marketability is expected to grow due to its wide application in different industrial sectors. Yet, market growth is subjected to the availability and cost of raw materials. In this context, lignocellulosic residues like municipal green residues (MGR) could be used to produce platform chemicals like lactic acid (LA), the basic monomer of PLA. RESOPLA-AF (subproject 1) will address a novel LA production alternative from MGR that lies in the use of one single process, namely anaerobic fermentation (AF), in which hydrolysis, fermentation and enzyme production are integrated.

Partners: IMDEA Energy Institute (Coordinator); CIEMAT

Funding Institution/Program: Ministry of Science and Innovation – European Union NextGenerationEU – PRTR / Strategic Projects Oriented to Ecological Transition and Digital Transition

Period: December 2022-May 2025

IMDEA Energy Institute external funding: 115.000 €

IP: Dr. Elia Tomás