TODENZE: Dendritic zeolites could boost catalytic and biomedical applications
Dendrites develop with a typical multi-branching, tree-like form in materials, largely affecting their physico-chemical properties. First synthesised in mesoporous silica nanoparticles, dendritic structures can now be found in other material formulations. The EU-funded TODENZE project will study dendritic zeolites, a class of synthetic materials that have so far received poor attention despite their huge scientific and industrial potential. Dendritic superstructures in zeolites could provide notable benefits in a wide range of fields. In particular, the project will explore the use of dendritic zeolites as catalysts for biomass valorisation and as nanocarriers for combined drug and gene therapies.
Funding Institution/Program: This project has received funding form the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement nº 101021502). (DOI 10.3030/101021502)
Call: ERC-2020-ADG
Type of action: Advanced Grant
Period: September 2021 – August 2026
IMDEA Energy Institute external funding: 2,378,438 €
Principal Investigator: Dr David Serrano