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Welcome to the ECPU Alba and Keyvan!

The ECPU would like to welcome Alba Fombona, Researcher in Training, and Keyvan Mirehbar, Predoctoral Researcher, to our team. 

Alba Fombona obtained her bachelor´s degree at the University of Oviedo (2020) after spending a year at Temple University (Philadephia), in collaboration with The Andrade´s Lab researcher group, specialized in the synthesis of natural products. She realized a Master´s degree in Chemistry and Sustainable Development while she obtained a scholarship called “JAE Intro” from the National Institute of Science and Technology of Carbon (INCAR), CSIC. The scholaship was focussed in the devolpment of carbon materials with a porous structure and surface chemistry controlled, and their study as anodes for sodium ion capacitors.

Her research in IMDEA-Energy will be focused on electrochemical ion-pumping technologies for environmental applications such as critical materials recovery, brackish water desalination and pollutants removal.

Keyvan Mirehbar achieved his master's degree in Environmental Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology (2020). He worked on the Internal micro-electrolysis method and its combination with advanced oxidation methods for landfill leachate treatment.  At the same time, he worked as a trainee at CLOR (central laboratory for radiological protection) in Warsaw. In September 2021, he joined the MATELEC research group at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid to work on the induction of radical species in electro-magnetic systems with iron-based nanocatalysts for the degradation of organic water pollutants. 

He joined the Electrochemical Processes Unit  to work on the HYSOLCHEM project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The goal of this project is to develop an innovative, low-cost reactor for capturing greenhouse gases and producing high-value fuels and chemicals, while contextually removing harmful pollutants from wastewater. Keyvan is in charge of the development of innovative anodes for energy-efficient electro-oxidation of contaminants in wastewater during this project.

Foto Alba     Foto Keyvan


Tags: CDI, Electrochemical Processes Unit, Horizon 2020, HYSOLCHEM, Faradaic Deionization, Ion Pumping