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  • New Visiting Researcher in ECPU, Kaíque S.G.C. Oliveira from UFSCar (Brazil) joins us

New Visiting Researcher in ECPU, Kaíque S.G.C. Oliveira from UFSCar (Brazil) joins us

The ECPU would like to welcome Kaíque S. G. C. Oliveira, Visiting Predoctoral Researcher, to our team. 

Kaíque S. G. C. Oliveira is a predoctoral visitor research from Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar, Brazil) and works on the development of new electrodes for water desalination using capacitive and faradaic deionization. In 2021 Kaíque was awarded with a 1-year research stay fellowship by the PRINT program funded by CAPES. He has experience in the development of electrochemical processes for the treatment of industrial effluents containing organic pollutants (electrooxidation and electrodeposition). Currently, Kaíque is studying new materials for brackish water desalination using electrochemical technologies (capacitive and faradaic deionization). His research interests include electrochemical processes for water desalination and organic pollution abatement, in particular: synthesis and characterization of electrode materials, design of cell and reactors, scale-up system, and electrochemical engineering. His complete CV can be found in the following link: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0372-0017.

Foto Kaíque


Tags: CDI, Electrochemical Processes Unit, Faradaic Deionization, Ion Pumping, UFSCAR, CAPES