CIRPLACAR: Circularity of end-of-life vehicles plastic wastes: Chemical recycling
Research project corresponding to the call 2021 and reference: TED2021-130820B-C22, within the State Program to Promote Scientific-Technical Research and its Transfer (Strategic Projects Oriented to Ecological Transition and Digital Transition).
CIRPLACAR project proposes an integrated approach to recycle plastic wastes from the End of Life Vehicle (ELV) sector, as increasing the percentage of the recycling volume in European Union is imperative to minimize the traditional management options of landfilling and incineration. This subproject (Circularity of end-of-life vehicles plastic wastes: chemical recycling) will deploy a thermochemical process to valorise those polymers rejected from mechanical recycling and side streams generated in subproject 1 (Circularity of end-of-life vehicles plastic wastes: mechanical recycling). In this way, the recycling rates of ELV plastics will be sharply increased and, consequently, the efficiency, sustainability and competitiveness of the whole process.
Partners: IMDEA Energy Institute; Rey Juan Carlos University (Coordinator)
Funding Institution/Program: Ministry of Science and Innovation – European Union NextGenerationEU – PRTR / Strategic Projects Oriented to Ecological Transition and Digital Transition
Period: December 2022-September 2025
IMDEA Energy Institute external funding: 172.500 €
IP: Dr. Patricia Pizarro / Dr. David Serrano