AdBioCaP: Catalytic upgrading and co-processing of holocellulose-derived bio-oils
Research project corresponding to the call 2020 and reference: PID2020-114740RB-C21, within the State Program of Research, Development and Innovation Oriented Challenges of the Society (Research Challenges 2020).
In the AdBioCaP project, the concept of fractional pyrolysis of lignocellulose, using two consecutive steps at different temperatures, will be investigated to accomplish the in-situ speciation of the products from cellulose/hemicellulose pyrolysis from those of lignin, avoiding costly downstream separation operations. Thus, a low temperature stream, mostly formed by sugars, furans and light oxygenates, and a high temperature stream, rich in phenolics, will be obtained. The catalytic co-processing of these two streams with other renewable feedstocks of interest (bioalcohols and non-edible vegetable oils) will be studied. These substrates have been chosen to take advantage of their synergies with lignocellulose since they are potential sources of hydrogen and olefins. This is expected to promote the formation of valuable compounds by means of Diels-Alder condensation, alkylation and hydrogen transfer reactions and to sharply enhance the overall efficiency of lignocellulose catalytic pyrolysis.
Consequently, this project aims to develop new catalysts and catalytic processes to obtain both advanced biofuels and valuable chemicals from lignocellulosic residues and other renewable substrates, which agrees well with the principles of Circular Economy and Bioeconomy.
Partners: IMDEA Energy Institute (Coordinator); URJC
Funding Institution/Program: MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033 / Research Challenges 2020
Period: September 2021-August 2024
IMDEA Energy Institute external funding: 213.686 €
IPs IMDEA Energy: Dr. David Serrano / Dr. Javier Fermoso