MICROBAT: Modelado y desarrollo de baterías de flujo microfluídicas basadas en electrolitos inmiscibles

Research project corresponding to the call 2021 and reference: TED2021-129378B-C22, within the State Program to Promote Scientific-Technical Research and its Transfer (Strategic Projects Oriented to Ecological Transition and Digital Transition).

The MICROBAT project aims to contribute to the development of small-sized RFBs with disruptive membraneless architectures based on microfluidic concepts that demonstrate high performance and long-cycling and that might be considered as a real alternative to conventional RFBs. To do that, MICROBAT proposes for the first time a joint effort of microfluidics and thermo-dynamics by the implementation of innovative microfluidic designs with immiscible biphasic electrolytes.

In brief, the subproject (UC3M) will be responsible for the extensive characterization of fluid dynamic properties of the electrolyte and the developments of fluid dynamic models and numerical simulation of each component and the full microbattery. On the other hand, the subproject 2 (IMDEA-E) will be responsible for the fabrication of microfluidic RFBs in the range of a few micrometres to a millimeter using 3D printing. The assembly and characterizarion of microfluidic RFBs will be developed by both groups targeting at two different electrolytes; conventional electrolytes in the case of UC3M (subproject 1) and immiscible electrolytes in the case of IMDEA-E (subproject 2).

Partners: IMDEA Energy Institute; Carlos III University of Madrid (Coordinator)

Funding Institution/Program: Ministry of Science and Innovation – European Union NextGenerationEU – PRTR / Strategic Projects Oriented to Ecological Transition and Digital Transition

Period: December 2022-Septiembre 2025

IMDEA Energy Institute external funding: 184.000 €

IP: Dr. Rebeca Marcilla