VIRMOF-CM: Immuno/chemo active nanoMOFs for pulmonary multitherapy against COVID-19
The pandemic situation associated with the SARS-CoV-12 (COVID) outbreak has had epic social and economic repercussions worldwide. In this context, nanomedicines based on porous coordination polymers (MOFs) emerge as an original and promising alternative for its treatment, thanks to their high versatility (bioactive composition, structure) and porosity, allowing to associate different active ingredients (AIs).
VIRMOF-CM aims to develop a combined anti-COVID multi-therapy (4-in-1 effect) for the pulmonary route. To achieve this goal, first, nanocomposites based on MOFs and inorganic nanoparticles with intrinsic immunological and/or chemotherapeutic activity (effect 1 & 2) will be prepared. In a second step, different immuno- and/or chemotherapeutic AIs will be associated by drug encapsulation (effect 3) and surface modification with interleukins (effect 4). Finally, the biocompatibility and efficacy of the most promising vectors will be evaluated in vitro, developing formulations adapted to pulmonary administration. Finally, their toxicity and biodistribution will be studied in vivo, leading to future preclinical and clinical research.
VIRMOF-CM will impact not only on anti-COVID multitherapy, but also on other pulmonary infectious diseases (tuberculosis, meningitis), as well as other relevant pathologies (cancer), opening new perspectives also in the field of prophylaxis and diagnosis.
Partners: IMDEA Energy Institute
Funding Institution/Program: Comunidad de Madrid / R&D projects in response to COVID-19
Period: January 2021-December 2022
IMDEA Energy Institute external funding: 1.065.000 €
IP IMDEA Energy: Dr. Patricia Horcajada
Actuación financiada mediante el convenio firmado entre la Comunidad de Madrid (Consejería de Educación, Universidades, Ciencia y Portavocía) y la Fundación IMDEA Energía para la concesión directa de una ayuda de 1.065.000 euros para financiar la realización de actuaciones en materia de investigación sobre el SARS-COV 2 y la enfermedad COVID-19 financiado con los recursos REACT-UE del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo.