Waste2Bio: Waste2Bio: Valorization of urban WASTEs TO new generation of BIOethanol

The main objective of the WASTE2BIO project is to validate and demonstrate a global process for the organic municipal solid waste (MSW), through the production of bioethanol and biogas in order to enhance the residues valorization, reducing energy costs and impacts from waste management.

For this purpose, the different treatment processes involved will be optimized step-by-step to optimize each one to be ultimately integrated. To set-up the design parameters for scale-up purposes, the efficacy of such technologies will be demonstrated and verified in a semi industrial demonstration plant. The pre-industrial test at pilot plant scale, the chemical analysis and an sustainability analysis by using a life cycle assessment and socio-economic analysis will allow the comparison of this integrated approach to the current ones,

The project proposes three working lines in order to achieve the project objective: (1) Improvement of the different processes involved in the valorization of MSW  organic fraction: pretreatments in order to obtain the most suitable organic fraction free of inert materials, the bioethanol production from the carbohydrates contained in the MSW involving the hydrolysis and simultaneous sacharification and fermentation steps, the anaerobic digestion of the residue obtained from the fermentation process and fertilizers production. (2) Process validation and demonstration at semi-industrial scale, including the process integration, techno-economic assessment and energy and sustainability analysis and (3) Integration of the project results in the new MSW treatment model defining exploitation strategy and business models.

Partners: IMECAL (coordinator), CIEMAT; Exergy; IMDEA Energy
Funding Institution/Program: Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness – State Research Agency (AEI) / APCIN 2016 & ERA-NET COFUND BESTF3
Period: December 2016 – March 2020
IP IMDEA Energy: Dra. Cristina González Fernández