Distinguished seminar: “Research Activities at the Austrian Institute of Technology (Storage Projects)”


Thanks to Maria de Maeztu research grant, IMDEA Energy Institute has a pleasure of hosting Dr. Adolfo Anta, Senior Researcher at Austrian Institute of Technology during the week of 17th-21st of October 2022. Dr Anta is invited to give us a talk in which he will introduce the institute and its organizational structure and then address “Research Activities at the Austrian Institute of Technology (Storage Projects)”.

Short bio

Adolfo Anta is a senior researcher at AIT, working in power systems and in particular dealing with stability issues arising in low inertia grids due to the massive introduction of storage units. He is involved in research projects at the national level, such as ABS4TSO (Advanced Balancing Services for Transmission System Operators), where different functionality for storage units was designed, implemented and tested in collaboration with the Austrian System Operator (APG). Likewise, he also participates in international H2020 projects like iStormy (Interoperable, modular and Smart hybrid energy STORage systeM for stationarY applications), where the provision of multiple ancillary services  from hybrid storage systems is analysed.

At the same time, he carries out consulting work for manufacturers and system operators on similar topics, such as the use of storage-based sources for grid restoration or stability studies evaluating the capabilities of inverter-based generation in railway operation. Moreover, he is a lecturer at the Fachhochschule Oberösterreich where he teaches planning and operation of power systems.

El evento está terminado.


Oct 20 2022


12:00 - 13:30


Auditorio IMDEA Energía