SUNERGY Spanish/Southern EU stakeholder event

From the SUNERGY community and the EU funded project SUNER-C, we invite you to the Spanish/Southern EU stakeholder event.

The event is designed to bring together key players in the transition toward cleaner and more sustainable energy in the region. This event will be an excellent opportunity to discuss the latest advancements, challenges and opportunities in the renewable energy and sustainable fuels sector.

Check out the provisional agenda for more information!

08:30 – 09:00: Welcome Coffee & Registrations

09:00 – 09:20: Welcome | Víctor de la Peña (IMDEA Energía) and representative from Comunidad de Madrid

09:20 – 09:40: Presentation of the Spanish National Plan of Energy and Climate | Miriam Bueno Lorenzo (Subdirectora General de Prospectiva y Estadísticas Energéticas, Ministerio parala Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico)

09:40 – 10:00: Overview on Spanish Industrial Policies | Representantive from Ministerio de Indústria y Turismo (TBC)

10:00 – 10:30: Presentation of Mission Innovation | Philippe Schild (Senior Expert, European Comission)

10:30 – 11:00: Coffee Break

11:00 – 11:30: Catalysis Achievements and Needs for the Refinery of the Future | Bert Weckhuysen (Utrecht University, SUNERGY/SUNER-C coordinator)

11:30 – 12:00: An industrial view on the need for green molecules to achieve decarbonization | Max Fleischer (Siemens Energy)

12:00 – 12:45: Opportunities for the development of solar fuels and chemicals | Max Fleischer (Siemens Energy), representantes de Repsol, Cepsa y Dow (pending confirmation)

12:45 – 13:00: Summary and Closing

13:00 – 14:00: Goodbye Lunch

El evento está terminado.


Nov 26 2024


08:30 - 14:00

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Salón de Actos de la Consejería de la Comunidad de Madrid