The goal of this workshop is to carry out a joint analysis between industry and academia with the aim of improving the performance and O&M costs of the tower plants. It is expected that the industry will make a critical analysis of the current state of commercial tower plant technology, identifying possibilities for improvement based on its experience in tower plant O&M. Furthering this, academia will present the current state of different developments that result in a better characterization and diagnosis of the plants.
Day 1 (3rd October) Open debate between industry and acade-mia with the aim of identifying the real needs and possible solutions of solar tower plants, and the current status of the different developments.
Each step will conduct a maturity assessment, a potential for implementation in commercial power plants, and an impact of the technology on: cost reduction, plant performance, & increased durability.
Day 2 (4th October) Wrap-up session to identify both the innova-tions that can be most easily implemented in commercial power plants and the innovations that will have the greatest impact. Also, a roadmap will be established to accelerate the process of commercial deployment, performance improvement, and cost reduction, while shortening the time to market realization for various technological developments.
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