Opening of the IMDEA Energy 5th call for proposals of visiting researchers
IMDEA Energy launches the fifth call for proposals to host distinguished Principal Investigators and Senior Researchers that would like to perform a research stay at IMDEA Energy, within the framework of the “María de Maeztu” Unit of Excellence strategic programme. The main goal of the stays will be to perform and promote collaborative research, training and innovation initiatives in the field of sustainable fuels and transportation.
Selected visiting researchers, as an outcome of the call funding decision, will receive economic support. The travel cost from the home institution to Madrid (return ticket in tourist class), will be covered. In addition, an economic contribution of 2,500 € per week of stay will be given to the researcher.
Eligibility criteria:
This call is dedicated to fund research stays that fulfil the following eligibility criteria:
i) Research stay
Topic: The stay programme must address a topic in the sustainable transportation field, included in at least one of the research lines of the Maria de Maeztu scientific workprogramme:
– Research line 1) New concepts for electromobility
– Research line 2) Production of solar fuels
– Research line 3) Fourth generation fuels from residues and wastes
Objectives: The proposed stay programme should lead to the performance of research, training and innovation activities of mutual interest during the stay in the selected research lines, and explore or provide inputs for establishing strategic R&I collaborations between IMDEA Energy and the research group or institution of the visiting researcher.
Duration: It is considered that a stay of 2 weeks could be sufficient to address the objectives declared above, however other durations will be accepted, between a minimum of 1 week and up to a maximum of 4 weeks, if necessary, for the achievement of the objectives of the stay.
ii) Visiting researcher
Research experience: Candidates to the stay programme are Senior researchers and Principal Investigators with a relevant scientific track-record in the field proposed.
Affiliation: The visiting researcher must be affiliated to excellent research centres or groups not located in Spain. The excellence of the research centre or group will be justified in relation to their positioning regarding indicators on scientific publications either innovation in a specific topic of interest.
Evaluation of candidates:
Candidatures received within the present call will be evaluated by members of the IMDEA Energy’s Scientific Council. The following evaluation criteria will be considered:
Excellence of the visiting researcher
Excellence of the research institution or group
Complementarity of the research teams
Relevance and potential impact of the activities performed during the research stay
Call calendar:
- 21 June 2024: Call open for the submission of proposals.
- 19 July 2024: Deadline for submission.
- 26 July 2024: End of evaluation process and funding decision.
- August 2024 – December 2024: Hosting of the visiting researchers.
How to apply:
To submit your proposal, you must fill in the Application form (download template here), and send it to before the call deadline. The application must also enclose the following documents:
– Your CV, including your complete scientific track-record.
– A letter of support signed by a senior researcher at IMDEA Energy with whom the collaboration is expected during the research stay.
The technical programme for the stay, including the selected duration, activities and expected results, will be defined jointly between the visiting researcher and the host senior researcher. Check the research lines and contact details of IMDEA Energy senior researchers here.
For administrative support and clarification of procedures regarding the call, you may send your request to

IMDEA Energy has been accredited and funded by the Spanish State Research Agency, MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, through the Unit of Excellence “Maria de Maeztu grant with reference number CEX2019-000931-M (2020-2023) awarded in the “Severo Ochoa Centres of Excellence” and the “María de Maeztu Units of Excellence” call 2019 of the Spanish State Programme for Knowledge Generation and Scientific and Technological Strengthening of the R&D&I System.